For Pipeline Operators
Right of Way Protection:
Our network of drones is the sustainable successor of regular helicopter inspections for your infrastructure. For regular monitoring, we capture high resolution images including geo-information for continuous awareness of all activities near your assets. Our datasets also allow for accurate vegetation management and maintenance planning.
Methane Detection:
We offer methane leak detection as a service, compliant with the EU methane regulation's requirements for Type 1 and Type 2 LDAR surveys (17g/h and 5g/h). Our data comes in the form of a full report and guidance information for full compliance. Additionally, we offer continuous stationary measurements of ventilation shafts etc.
Get in touch for a quote of your pipeline network and reserve capacity now!
About EU Methane Regulation:
On May 27th 2024, the EU Counsil adopted the EU Methane Regulation.
The regulation introduces new requirements on measuring, reporting and verifying methane emissions in the energy sector. Mitigation measures, such as detecting and repairing methane leaks and limiting venting and flaring, will aim to avoid methane emissions. Global monitoring tools will ensure transparency on methane emissions from imports of oil, gas and coal into the EU.
For Pipeline operators, this means regular full surveys of the entire network (low, medium and high pressure) to detect leaks and repair them quickly. These "LDAR" (Leak Detection and Repair) surveys must be conducted regularly according to a timeframe that takes pipeline material and pressure level into account.

This overview was created by IOGP based on the final draft of the regulation. Beagle has performed a thorough check to find differences to the final regulation and is confident that the overview and the final document align. Nonetheless, Beagle will not be liable for any errors or inaccuracies in the information displayed above.

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